and Climate

Responsible Development

We conduct our business responsibly and focus on high environmental performance to ensure legal compliance and proper management of environmental aspects and risks.

We pursue synergies and disseminate good environmental practices to the other companies located in the port, as well as suppliers, customers, and other business partners.

These actions are enhanced through agreements and partnerships¹ with other organizations.

With the Caruara Private Natural Heritage Reserve (RPPN), we work on the preservation of biodiversity and ecosystem services in the region.

We carry out actions to protect sea turtles through monitoring activities and environmental education, as well as operational control measures that prevent and minimize the risk of accidental interaction with these animals.

Learn about our work

Environmental Management

Our environmental management activities are based on mapping environmental aspects and risks through assessments and technical studies and follows the guidelines of our Sustainability Policy’s standards and procedures.


We recognize the importance of preserving biodiversity in line with the sustainable development of our activities, and we support preservation via the Caruara Private Natural Heritage Reserve.

Climate Change

In developing our business, we seek to fully incorporate risks and opportunities related to climate change. Our work is based on three pillars: mitigation, adaptation, and opportunities, focusing on energy transition and low-carbon businesses.

1. For more information, please call the Port of Açu Hotline at 0800-729 0810