Commitment to
Sustainable Development
Commitment to
We work toward the sustainable development of Port of Açu by stimulating innovation and by adopting and disseminating the best environmental, social, and governance (ESG) practices to guide our operations and relationships.
This commitment is laid out in our Sustainability Policy, which formalizes our ambition to create value for all stakeholders and contribute to the achievement of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
With that in mind, the Sustainability Policy establishes guidelines for the implementation of our
Sustainability Strategy in five action pillars:

We promote a culture of safety among port users through integration and collaboration, facilitating synergies, preventing accidents, and protecting life.

Environment and Climate
Our work is focused on best practices, legal compliance, proper management of environmental and climate change risks, impacts, and opportunities, while guiding efforts to conserve biodiversity.

People and Community
We focus on attracting talent and on the well-being of our employees, and we encourage regional development by supporting corporate groups and hiring local workers and suppliers.

Sustainable Business
We work to increase competitiveness and attract investments to Port of Açu by developing sustainable businesses and creating shared value.

Governance and Compliance
We have a robust compliance agenda, applying best corporate governance practices to strengthen Port of Açu’s values, commitment to ethics and integrity, and creation of long-term value.
External assessment of our ESG performance
Our performance in environmental, social, and governance practices was independently evaluated by Natural Intelligence – NINT (formerly known as SITAWI’s Sustainable Finance Program). The proprietary methodology considers the relevance of material topics for our industry and a final assessment in five stages, based on a 0-10 score.

Our overall performance in 2022 was rated “Superior,” with a final score of 9.5.

Our specific performance in environmental, social, and governance topics was also rated “Comfortable,” with scores of 9.2, 9.5, and 9.5, respectively.
*Evaluation criteria from 1 to 10: Critical from 0.00 to 1.25; Unsatisfactory from 1.25 to 3.75; Satisfactory from 3.75 to 6.25; Comfortable from 6.25 to 8.75; and Superior from 8.75 to 10.00.